Agricultural Research Archive for DRC, Rwanda and Burundi, 1885-1960 (beta version)

Agricultural Research Archive for DRC, Rwanda and Burundi, 1885-1960 (beta version)

The Agricultural Research Archive provides open access to publications from the colonial period of the DRC (former "Congo Free State" & "Belgian Congo"), Rwanda and Burundi (former Ruanda-Urundi) from 1885-1960.
Key publications currently available include:

  • Bulletin Agricole du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi
  • Bulletin d’Information de l’INEAC
This archive is a work in progress and the list of available publications will be expanded, as digitization activities advance. Some of the articles listed are not yet linked to a pdf. In following updates, this will be amended. Also, articles link to a pdf of the book (i.e. vol & nr). The user must search within this book for the article of interest. In future updates, a link will be provided directly to the article.

How to use this website:

  1. Type your search term in the search box (top of the screen). Note that most publications from the colonial period were in French, some in Dutch and very few in English. Click “search”
  2. Limit search results using the filter tabs on the left of the screen
  3. Select the article of your choice
  4. If the pdf is available, it will be listed as a clickable url.
  5. Note: in this beta version, articles link back to the pdf of the full volume
  6. Search for specific content within the pdf using ctrl-F
In the beta version, search of documents uses the full text. In future updates search fields will be implemented.

This digital archive is hosted and curated by the Africa museum ( Funding was provided by the Belgian Science Policy Office ( and the Directorate-general Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD - Belgium). The archive contributes to the objectives of the Belspo-funded initiative “Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorization” (

This is a beta-version of this website, please email feedback to

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